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Get the Girl!!

Yesterday I was corresponding with Rachel about a redesign on my business cards. After she had sent me her design I responded that I thought my web address should be included on the front of the card. She quickly replied that I should again look at the from of the card. And there is was in plain sight. Hello, Leon!!

My mother always said I had a difficult time finding things. Jean agrees. In reality men and boys are physically less adept at finding things than the opposite sex. Last spring I was at a farm equipment dealer to pick up a part I had ordered. Even though I was notified that the part was in the store, those guys looked all over and couldn’t find it. I told them several times to get the girl, any girl and that she likely would find it for them. However they retorted that there must have been a mistake and it probably hadn’t been received yet. So as I left and told them to call me when the part came in. The next day they called to say it was there. When I picked it up the following day I commented on how long it had taken for order to come in. As they were fumbling for words as to what had happened the lady came out of the office and while rolling her eyes informed me that the part was there and that they only needed to get the girl. I already knew that and now those red faced guys knew it as well! It seems you can pray to St. Anthony when you lose something but I doubt it will help if you refuse to listen to the charge he sends to your aid because likely, that person will be a girl!! God Bless!! Later.

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