Smell the Dirt
In the fall of ’08 I began an adventure of writing a book. This was a project I had been contemplating for several years because I wanted my posterity to know what “the old man thinks.” I was encouraged by a friend, Dr. Robert Ziegler, who assured me that I had something to say in a way he described as “unlike anyone he had ever met.” So it began. I hired a Masters Degree journalism student who interviewed me at length to help me write the book. However upon reading the manuscript I found that it did not sound a bit like me. And so I decided to rewrite it. To complicate the process, in January of ’09, I was diagnosed with chronic leukemia. The drug took its toll and the project was put on hold several times due to the fatigued and mental fog. However it is now complete. Better late than never. Smell the Dirt and Other Life Lessons Learned from the Ground Up is finally a reality. Later!